
Davies AB and Asner GP. 2014. “Advances in animal ecology from 3D-LiDAR ecosystem mapping.” Trends in Ecology and Evolution , 29, 12, Pp. 681-691. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The advent and recent advances of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) have enabled accurate measurement of 3D ecosystem structure. Here, we review insights gained through the application of LiDAR to animal ecology studies, revealing the fundamental importance of structure for animals. Structural heterogeneity is most conducive to increased animal richness and abundance, and increased complexity of vertical vegetation structure is more positively influential compared with traditionally measured canopy cover, which produces mixed results. However, different taxonomic groups interact with a variety of 3D canopy traits and some groups with 3D topography. To develop a better understanding of animal dynamics, future studies will benefit from considering 3D habitat effects in a wider variety of ecosystems and with more taxa.
Davies AB, Levick SR, Asner GP, Robertson MP, Rensburg van BJ, and Parr CL. 2014. “Spatial variability and abiotic determinants of termite mounds throughout a savanna catchment.” Ecography, 37, 9, Pp. 852-862. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Termite mounds contribute to the spatial heterogeneity of ecological processes in many savannas, but the underlying patterns and determinants of mound distributions remain poorly understood. Using the Carnegie Airborne Observatory (CAO), we mapped the distribution of termite mounds across a rainfall gradient within a river catchment (∼ 27 000 ha) of the Kruger National Park, South Africa. We assessed how different factors were associated with the distribution and height of termite mounds at three spatial scales: the entire catchment, among three broad vegetation types, and on individual hillslope crests. Abiotic factors such as the underlying geology and mean annual precipitation shaped mound densities at broad scales, while local hillslope morphology strongly influenced mound distribution at finer scales, emphasising the importance of spatial scale when assessing mound densities. Fire return period had no apparent association with mound densities or height. Mound density averaged 0.46 mounds ha−1, and exhibited a clustered pattern throughout the landscape, occurring at relatively high densities (up to 2 mounds ha−1) on crests, which are nutrient‐poor elements of the landscape. Mounds exhibited significant over‐dispersion (even spacing) at scales below 60 m so that evenly spaced aggregations of termite mounds are embedded within a landscape of varying mound densities. The tallest mounds were found in dry savanna (500 mm yr−1) and were positively correlated with mound density, suggesting that dry granitic savannas are ideal habitat for mound‐building termites. Mound activity status also varied significantly across the rainfall gradient, with a higher proportion of active (live) mounds in the drier sites. The differential spacing of mounds across landscapes provides essential nutrient hotspots in crest locations, potentially sustaining species that would otherwise not persist. The contribution to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning that mounds provide is not uniform throughout landscapes, but varies considerably with spatial scale and context.
Davies AB, Robertson MP, Levick SR, Asner GP, Rensburg van BJ, and Parr CL. 2014. “Variable effects of termite mounds on African savanna grass communities across a rainfall gradient.” Journal of Vegetation Science , 25, 6, Pp. 1405-1416. Publisher's VersionAbstract

Termite mounds of the genus Macrotermes are prominent features in African savannas, forming nutrient hotspots that support greater plant diversity, which is of higher nutritional value than the surrounding savanna matrix. However, little is known about grass communities on and around mounds or how the functional importance of mounds varies across sites. As mean annual rainfall increases, savannas in southern Africa become increasingly dystrophic through increased denitrification (including pyrodenitrification) and the leaching of soil nutrients. The functional importance of mounds is concomitantly expected to increase as the difference in foliar nutrient levels between mounds and the savanna matrix increases. We tested this prediction on grass communities across a rainfall gradient to: (i) determine the degree to which grass assemblages differ between termite mounds and the savanna matrix; (ii) determine the spatial extent to which mounds influence grass communities; and (iii) investigate whether these patterns differ across savanna types.

Kruger National Park, South Africa.

Grass communities were surveyed at three savanna sites differing in mean annual rainfall (550–750 mm·yr−1). Grass diversity and tissue nitrogen concentrations were measured on and off termite mounds and along transects away from mounds in order to calculate the spatial influence of termite mounds on savanna grass communities. Using termite mound densities estimated from airborne LiDAR, we up‐scaled field‐based results to determine the percentage of the landscape influenced by Macrotermes termite activity.

Although species richness of grasses was lower on mounds than in the savanna matrix, the assemblage composition varied significantly, with higher nutrient concentrations in grasses located on mounds. This pattern became more distinct with increasing rainfall. The spatial extent of these nutrient‐rich grasses also differed across the rainfall gradient, with a larger sphere of influence around mounds in wetter areas. Mounds distinctly altered grass communities over ca. 2% of the entire landscape. Conclusions
Our results show that Macrotermes mounds are important components of savanna heterogeneity, and reveal that the functional importance of mounds increases with increasing rainfall.

van Oudtshoorn (1999)

Davies AB, Eggleton P, Rensburg van BJ, and Parr CL. 2013. “Assessing the relative efficiency of termite sampling methods along a rainfall gradient in African savannas.” Biotropica, 45, 4, Pp. 474-479. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Although termites are ecosystem engineers in tropical and sub‐tropical environments, the study of termite ecology is often constrained by sampling difficulties and a lack of established sampling protocols, particularly for savannas. The efficiency and relevance of different methods along climatic gradients, even within a single biome, is largely unknown. Here, we compare the relative contribution of two commonly used sampling methods, cellulose baits and active searching transects, in quantifying savanna termite diversity along a rainfall gradient in South Africa; sampling was conducted during the wet season across four markedly different savanna types. We also assessed the usefulness of different forms of baiting techniques. The relative efficiency of sampling method varied with annual rainfall. In arid savannas, baiting was as effective as active searching transects at sampling termite diversity and we recommend the use of baiting rather due to it being less labor intensive. In savannas of moderately low to intermediate rainfall, baiting and transects sampled different termite species and so both are deemed necessary for an accurate assessment of termite diversity. In contrast, in wetter savannas transects gave a better assessment of diversity, with cellulose baits not contributing much to diversity assessment. The efficiency of baiting techniques differed across the rainfall gradient, with baits needing to be left in the field for a longer period in more arid savannas. We conclude that habitat type, even within a single biome, will determine the sampling method or methods necessary to quantify termite diversity accurately.
Davies AB, Rensburg van BJ, Eggleton P, and Parr CL. 2013. “Interactive effects of fire, rainfall and litter quality on decomposition in savannas: frequent fire leads to contrasting effects.” Ecosystems, 16, 5, Pp. 866-880 . Publisher's VersionAbstract
One of the many ecological processes expected to undergo alteration due to global change is the decomposition of organic matter, with little known concerning the effects that changing disturbance regimes may have. Fire, a critical process in many habitats, is expected to become more common. We measured the decomposition rates of four grass species that differed in litter quality, investigating them under different fire regimes across a savanna rainfall gradient in South Africa. We also collected data on the abundance and activity of fungus-growing termites and recorded measurements of temperature and canopy cover. Overall, decomposition rate followed global models, increasing under warmer and wetter conditions. Litter quality was also significant with higher quality grasses decomposing faster; however, this effect was less pronounced than expected. Fire regimes did not have a consistent effect on decomposition rate along the rainfall gradient. In the most arid savanna type examined, fire had no effect, whereas in the intermediate rainfall savanna burning increased decomposition rate under higher levels of fungus-growing termite activity. In the wetter savannas, fire slowed decomposition, possibly through modification of vegetation structure and potential effects on other invertebrates. Our results demonstrate that grass decomposition in African savannas varies significantly along precipitation gradients, with different factors becoming influential in different habitats. Importantly, we demonstrate that fire does not always act to slow decomposition and that it interacts with other factors to influence the process. These findings have important implications for decomposition in the light of global change models that predict wetter climates and a higher frequency of fires for southern African savannas.
Bruyn de PJN and Davies AB. 2012. “Australia: no price on cutting fire risk.” Nature, 482, 23, Pp. 471. Publisher's VersionAbstract

David Bowman proposes that elephants should be introduced into Australia as a cost-effective way to control invasive gamba grass, a major source of wildfire fuel (Nature 482, 30; 2012). But managing the elephants could be more expensive than, say, launching a fleet of harvesters every year to reduce fire risk. We should start by asking what is likely to work best, regardless of the cost. To combat the problems caused by invasive aliens, we should implement ecologically sound control mechanisms that have a reasonable probability of success. We can worry about the bill later.

Davies AB, Eggleton P, Rensburg van BJ, and Parr CL. 2012. “The pyrodiversity-biodiversity hypothesis: a test with savanna termite assemblages.” Journal of Applied Ecology, 49, 2, Pp. 422-430. Publisher's VersionAbstract

1. Fire is an important disturbance in African savannas where it is generally assumed that high levels of pyrodiversity (variation in aspects of the fire regime) are necessary to maintain high levels of biodiversity. There is, however, little empirical evidence in support of this hypothesis for animals. Furthermore, the relationship between pyrodiversity and biodiversity may vary with different savanna types, shaped by mean annual precipitation.

2. We made use of a long‐term burning experiment to investigate the effect of interactions between precipitation and pyrodiversity on biodiversity. We sampled termites (major ecosystem engineers in savannas) within experimental plots involving a range of fire seasons and frequencies. Sampling was conducted in three distinct savanna types along a rainfall gradient in South Africa. We explored how termite diversity varied with mean annual precipitation and whether faunal responses to fire regimes varied with rainfall. Termites were sampled comprehensively during the wet season using cellulose baits and active searching in order to sample a variety of functional groups.

3. Assemblages differed significantly across savanna types with higher levels of diversity in the wetter site using the active searching method. Diversity was lowest at the most arid site but certain feeding groups (FGs) peaked in the savanna with intermediate rainfall. Differences between these savannas are attributed to broad underlying changes in net primary productivity and temperature, with mammalian herbivores thought to generate a peak in diversity of some faunal groups at the intermediate savanna through their role in facilitating nutrient cycling.

4. Overall, termites were highly resistant to fire in all savanna types with little difference between fire regimes (season and frequency), but assemblage composition and some FGs were affected by burning. Differences between fire regimes were more pronounced with increasing rainfall. These differences are likely to be linked to changes in vegetation structure caused by fire, which are more significant in wet savannas.

5. Synthesis and applications. Our findings, along with those for other insect taxa, indicate limited support for the pyrodiversity–biodiversity hypothesis; this suggests that, at least for invertebrates, management regimes can be flexible, although more caution is advisable in wetter savannas.

Davies AB, Parr CL, and Rensburg van BJ. 2010. “Termites and fire in Africa: current understanding and future research directions for improved savanna conservation.” Austral Ecology, 35, Pp. 482-486. Publisher's VersionAbstract
While tropical savannas and grasslands typically attract less attention than temperate systems (see, e.g. Gaston et al. 1998 and references therein indicating the general lack of biological data at low latitudes), they represent one of the dominant biomes of the southern hemisphere, and indeed the world, with savannas covering an estimated 12.5% of global land area and over half of Africa and Australia, 45% of South America and 10% of India and Southeast Asia (Scholes & Archer 1997). Fire is considered one of the most important disturbances in these grassy systems being both frequent and widespread across Australian, African and South American savannas (Bond & Keeley 2005). The exceptional diversity and biomass of invertebrates has been long recognized, as has their functional importance in ecosystem services across the globe (Wilson 1987). Fire and invertebrates are thus key components determining the functioning and dynamics of savannas (Parr et al. 2004; van Wilgen et al. 2007), as well as other systems around the world (e.g. boreal forests – McCullough et al. 1998). Yet, generally scientists, and more especially conservation managers, have a poor understanding and limited predictive capacity of the way in which invertebrate communities respond to fire and the implications for diversity and functioning in savanna systems. This was highlighted for the southern hemisphere by Parr and Chown (2003) who reviewed fire and invertebrate studies in southern Africa. A search on Web of Science using the keywords ‘insect*’ and ‘Africa’ with either ‘fire*’ or ‘burning’ revealed that since the review by Parr and Chown (2003) only three additional papers and one book chapter dealing with fire and invertebrates in Africa have been published (Parr et al. 2004; Axmacher et al. 2006; Uys et al. 2006; Underwood & Christian 2009); this indicates little has changed since 2003. Similarly and for the same time period, work conducted at the global scale is also limited in its contribution to our broader understanding of the ecological processes involved when studying fire and invertebrate interactions. The lack of knowledge on invertebrates and fire is thus an important shortcoming to understanding how savanna systems are structured and function, and also when managing for the conservation of biodiversity, especially as savannas are often subject to intense fire management (van Wilgen et al. 2007). In tropical and subtropical areas, including savannas, termites are considered key ecosystem engineers, altering the mineral and organic composition of soils, their hydrology, drainage (Jones et al. 1994) and infiltration rates (Mando et al. 1996), as well as influencing decomposition, nutrient cycling and distribution (Holt & Coventry 1990; Scholes 1990; Lepage et al. 1993; Konaté et al. 1999). Their vast biomass alone makes them an important consideration in tropical and subtropical ecology (Josens 1983) and they are considered the dominant arthropod decomposer in tropical forests and savannas (Collins 1981; Holt 1987; Schuurman 2005). Termites are also a diverse and varied group comprising of several functional groups, including wood feeders, grass harvesters and soil feeders (Josens 1983). Although it is somewhat surprising that relative to other invertebrate groups termite work is scarce with even basic natural history information lacking for many species (Dangerfield & Schuurman 2000; DawesGromadzki 2003), this is likely because there are sampling and taxonomic difficulties associated with the group (Josens 1983). Here we use examples of studies conducted in savannas across the globe to highlight what we see as a critical research gap: the lack of published information on the interactions between termites specifically (Blattaria: Termitidae) and fire. Furthermore, we propose that if protected areas in savannas are to uphold their mandate of conserving biodiversity in its entirety, then a better ecological understanding of interactions between fire and termites is crucial for achieving this. The aims of this paper are therefore to highlight what we perceive as a paucity of studies on the topic, to demonstrate that critical information is still lacking, and to look towards potential future research directions.We compare studies from several continents and suggest ways in which the termite fauna of these continents could vary in their response to fire and some resultant ecological implications of this, particularly for the southern hemisphere.